Alright, this is just a little bloggy post where I want to share the tools that I wanted/want to utilize during this beautiful, wonderful, and new start to the year. (It is still early part of 2019, and there is no such thing as it being too late to cultivate the life you want.)
As you may find, a lot of these items fall under the ‘wellness’ category. Which for me, is awesome. I like that kind of stuff, and also, feel like it is sort of a hobby for me to educate myself on all the trendy stuff, but to also find the stuff that resonates with me, and implement it into my daily or weekly routines.
While I have most of these, some of them are definitely still on the ‘wish list’ that I hope to invest in later this year.
So here I am sharing my new year aids below!
Thank you John for making this part of my holiday gift! I have had my eye on this beauty ever since it hit the storefront. I definitely feel sore after a day out and about, whether it is walking around the city, or spending 12+ hours a day walking around the wards. I may not be able to splurge on massages weekly (though I wish I could!), however, I can foam roll for ten minutes before bed and feel my muscles stretch, relax, and release.
I wanted to unify my journals, and make them easier to tote around, and just simply use. I love journaling, but it is one of those things where I just won’t make the time to just sit down for a minute and just free flow write. When I do however, I look back at what I wrote and am like ‘Whoa…’. Because some of the stuff I write is literally mind blowing, at least, for me it is. And I just believe in a good reflecting session here and there, and sitting down and writing is just the way I like to do it.
Whoa - I switched up my planner system this year. And I mean mega switched it up. But two months into the year, and I am loving it. I wanted a planning system that was more flexible to my day-to-day since I literally have no control over my schedule, due to being in my clinical year. However, I still want to plan my days out, and make sure I am staying on schedule with my goals, which as of late, I haven’t, but I am working on it!
I purchased the TBM DI late last year, but haven’t dived fully into yet. My intention is to use it as an extended practice of my meditation practice, which is currently non-existent. Ha! Not how I would like it, so that is why I am working on quick daily meditations, with this extended form on the weekends, hopefully to bridge into the whole week. Also, I must add - that I absolutely LOVE the TBM podcast. Every FRIYAY (which makes it more fun), they come out with a new episode with v interesting individuals. It v much resinates with me, and I love listening to it! Esp while performing my weekly apartment clean.
This is a future gift from myself to myself. It basically has a passage to read everyday, with journaling prompts. This would be another form of meditation for me - and I think it would be a great afternoon practice to just find a still moment to center and breathe, instead of Netflix-ing for hours.
This was a pretty big purchase I made at the beginning of this year… just in time for the Love Your Body Series, of which I am most definitely participating in. Basically this app is ah-mazing and the only way I workout during the weekdays due to rotations and the cray cray hours. It motivates me to wake up early enough in the morning to fit in a workout before work, so I can just focus on my studies when I come home in the evening.
Another January purchase - that was on sale! And I am glad I got it, because it fits well, and has become my Sunday hot yoga to grocery store to morning workout uniform that is chic, cozy, and practical. They have sold out of this outfit, however, there is always new Goop wear to be had.
I basically love Credo, and think it is ah-mazing. My most recent haul included my v favorite face wash that is essential oil free (my skin does not love the essential oils), and actually gets ALL of my make-up off. Which if you knew me in high school, you knew that I always had residual mascara on my under lid because I just could never wash it off! But with this, I have a v v clean face. I also purchased a new face mask, Herbivore’s Blue Tansy Face Mask, and I am literally loving it for my weekly face mask. I have decided Mondays are face mask evenings, and this face mask makes the whole process a breeze, and I don’t have to take a shower to wash this one off, cause it is just not that messy. But it works! my skin is v smooth and has cleared up v well. Lastly, I stocked up on my face oil that I use AM and PM, and even on my cuticles. Writing this li’ paragraph has me thinking I need to make another Credo haul this coming weekend, because I need to stock up on more of my favorite toner!
If you haven’t guessed yet, now you will know as I am currently not teaching yoga, due to, yet again, my clinical rotation schedule. It is just so unpredictable (since it changes monthly, and sometimes weekly), that it was too stressful for me to try to maintain a weekly class schedule, on top of rotations, traveling, and making enough time just for me. So in lieu of teaching, I am taking classes weekly. Mostly, almost entirely, heated flow classes, because that is where I resonate, and also, it helps add some extra heat in this v cold winter. It also allows me some reserved time where I am not thinking about school, and I am not on my phone or laptop thinking of all the things I need to accomplish. It allows a moment of breathe, and a moment to let my shoulders chill outtttt.
Ha, if John is reading this, um, I still want this bag! JK. But not. But this bag is idk, DREAMS. It is a beautiful color, roomy, with organizational pockets. And it’s boho in style, which I dig. I can image myself using this bag to trek around the city and beyond. (But literally beyond, because I hope to leave the city soon for some new scenery.)
Others :::
This are others that I feel should be included in this wonderful list, yet aren’t actually new new for me.
+ Kindle - I have a stack of books that I am actively trying to read, so that I can transition solely into a kindle user. Let’s say I’m 1/3 book deep into the stack of books - so this may take a while. However, this is a great tool for one who travels a ton, because carrying books is v tedious, and takes up a lot of space. This guy right here however, does not.
+ Hydroflask - If you know me, you know I have too many of these, and yet, I could still use more. Currently have my eye on the all white 20oz. for hot cacao tonic transports, and maybe even hot green tea. One of my favorite natural stores is having a sale this month, so I may just do that and treat myself.
Well, there you have the tools that I plan to utilize for this year to make it my most authentic and soulful yet!