Tunes | Heated Vinyasa Yoga Playlist
11.03.17 C2 60 Playlist
Feelings of good vibes radiate throughout this playlist - favorites including Mazde, alt-J, Mome, Martin Jensen, + XY&O.
Play this during a good sweaty flow, or as you create your next nourishing meal.
1 hour 9 minutes of tunes
Okayyyyyy - hullo! Finally posting some words to this site.
After a much unexpected but necessary break - which I will clue you in on later on in the month - I am back posting here + now!
But I am JUST SO EXCITED that I finally figured out how to post my Spotify playlists here to share! Like this made my night lol. It is currently 10:24 PM - I need to be sleeping by now - BUT I JUST FIGURED THIS OUT.
Yes - I could have looked online months ago to figure this out - but I am taking a small moment by smaller moment approach to this blog - a space to inspire + create, but not add excess stress into my own personal life.
Anyways - more to come. In the meantime - slip on your wireless headphones + enjoy this playlist I have been playing in my heated vinyasa yoga classes since you guessed it, November 3rd of last year (2017!).
And actually, be on the lookout for more tunes hitting this space soon - since I have a lot of playlists making in my near future.