L A T E L Y | Current Thoughts

L A T E L Y | Current Thoughts

My current thoughts as of late…

Well, I am writing (or more accurately, typing) this post on public transportation en route to the gym. Because it's Thursday (caught myself as I was writing 'thirsty'!) and I haven't made it to the gym this week. Mostly, because I switched gyms (that's what happens when you move… again) and also since I'm joining my school's gym, and needed to be registered for a full schedule of classes (which I wasn't for most of the week even though it was my first week back), I haven't been able to make it or fit into my non-existent schedule. But today is the freakin day to make it! And that is why I am on my way there.

So in evolution of the last few months, the lessons I have learned, and the intentions I am still planning on making changes for, I want to blog while I'm still in school. I stopped last year because I felt like I had to literally give up everything that I loved to make this grad school stitch work. And obvi - I was wrong. Sooo, that brings us here.

And with that - I KNOW I will have time to type up these updated posts (aka: L A T E L Y - just click on the 'LATELY' link above to see similar posts!) so I will. And I will mix in other posts here and there to bring breath to this space. Because we still gotta keep things sol | ful around here.

And in order to stay in line with this specific intention - I am planning on posting every Saturday morning (8AM EST if you wanna be more specific + keep a friendly reminder for yourself) so that I hold myself accountable and keep you in the loop for wanting more (and knowing when to check back here for that newness).

So there are some fun updates for you all! And back to this 'lately' thing.

Well first off - my official first week back will be over tomorrow (FRIYAY) at 5PM. And then it's gonna be time to finish up chores and have some fun with friends. I am really looking forward to completing this week because it's just a good reminder that I can ease into newness and show up, even when I'm wicked exhausted (see - some Boston slang is making it into my speech). Like today - didn't want go to class, but I did and have the WHOLE freakin day to just get my ish together and tackle-this list done. What I have learned recently is I do allow myself significant distraction time (another reason I never made blogging a priority once I started school). And what I want to do different is not allow that. Because, I have realized, being tired can be a physical manifestation. But on most days, for me, it is the result of just too much thinking. Overthinking. Taking on others' thoughts, actions, behaviors, etc. It has become too much. And I have too much to accomplish in my life to let these things stand in my way. So I am working on less distractions (i.e. Facebook, SnapChat, Insta) and improve with a more concise tackle-this list. Also, designating certain chores to certain days of the week. This way, I know it will be done, and I don't have to worry about when I have to do it.

These have been my thoughts of late since I'm hearing back into a routine that will yield success and confidence.

Another thing I'm working on is budgeting. I know I know. This is the Internet - that's a personal subject - leave it alone - time to look at another blog with pretty outfits. Ok ok. I get it. But in lieu of being more intentional on costs, and when to treat one's self (let's be honest) I also realized that I LOVE my iced green minty teas. And I want them everyday. Most of the time, multiple times a day. Instead of paying close to $4 a day at a tea shop (though sometimes that is a treat in itself) I've been making my own. And it is a treat! Especially in this summer humidity of the East Coast. I've been trying a new method of how to make it - so read below to see how to make your own delicious iced treat below!

First off - gather yo goods. And I mean your tea making goods. As of that - that has been my golden french press (now my iced tea maker, since I am significantly reducing / deleting coffee from my consumption) a small pot (to boil water) and five bags of whatever tea I feel like making iced. Oh! And my Soma water pitcher.

Second - pour filtered water into boiling device + bring to a boil.

Third - once at a boil, turn off / remove heat and let water sit until it has stopped boiling (should still be mega hot though).

Fourth - slowly pour water into iced tea device (where the french press comes in). And add the five tea bags.

Fifth - steep for five minutes. Seriously - use the timer thing on your phone.

Sixth - once time's up, discard tea bags and let tea sit until room temp.

Seventh - once room temp/cooled - put on lid + place in fridge.

Eighth - I usually wait until the next day to sip my iced tea :)

I used to just put tea bags into iced water and have the tea diffuse in the fridge. That yielded really strong tea. This new way - I seriously feel like I am drinking tea from a coffee shop. Also, seeing as I used to be a full-time barista and had to make iced tea ever shift (most of the time, I was making batches and batches of iced tea… and iced coffee, and drinks, and serving customers) and I had to make it that way i.e. boiling water, wait until it has cooled, then place in fridge - it makes sense why this method tastes SO MUCH better.

And if you are into the sweeter things in life, add some sugar/honey to the hot tea to not only sweeten it up, but make sure it dissolves before being added into the fridge.

So, with that - there is my current thoughts as of late - and already into the new school year.

The Month | July + August 2017

The Month | July + August 2017

J O H N | H A P P Y   D A Y   O F   B I R T H

J O H N | H A P P Y D A Y O F B I R T H